Louisa May Alcott: Her Life, Letters, and Journals

author:Louisa May Alcott
The latest chapter:Louisa M. Alcott's Writings
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Book description:"Of no author can it be more truly said than of Louisa Alcott that her works are a revelation of herself...Writing was her constant occupation, and she was not tempted to indulge in it as a recreation. Her letters are brief, and strictly to the point, but always characteristic in feeling and expression."DEDICATIONTO MRS. ANNA B. PRATT,THE SOLE SURVIVING SISTER OF LOUISA M. ALCOTT, AND HER NEVER-FAILING HELP, COMFORTER, AND FRIEND FROM BIRTH TO DEATH,This MemoirIS RESPECTFULLY AND TENDERLY DEDICATED,BYEDNAH D. CHENEY.Jamaica Plain,June, 1889.
Louisa May Alcott's Other books:Under the Lilacs / The Baron's Gloves(Amy's Romance) / Moods(by Louisa May Alcott) / Little Women / Little Men / Jo's Boys / Jack and Jill / Hospital Sketches / Flower Fables /