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    This site and its contents are (c) 2022, All rights reserved. These pages may not be copied or republished without our express written consent.

    The works that appear here are in the public domain. While we cannot assert copyright on the works themselves, we do claim a copyright on the site design, the HTML rendering of the text, the site's look and feel, and the back-end code and database that runs the site. Plain-text copies of these works are available from other sources and may be made available here in the future.


    To the best of our knowledge, all works included here fall under the public domain guidelines of copyright law in the United States and elsewhere. If you believe that any work included violates a copyright you hold or represent, we will immediately remove it upon notification pending good-faith resolution of any dispute.

    This site and its contents are provided as is. We strive for accuracy but cannot be held responsible for any errors in the works reproduced here.

    Notice about Content and Censorship

    Portions of the content of the works included here may include content considered inappropriate by some standards for some age groups. We take no responsibility for filtering content based on any standards of morality, religion, or politics. Just because we include a work here doesn't mean that we approve of it, its author or their ideas, or agree with any assertions it makes.

    The works included here are all over 70 years old. Times and standards have changed since they were published and we make no attempt to update them. This means that they may contain references to slavery, racism, anti-semitism, oppression of women, and other concepts that were much more widely accepted in their day. They may contain words that would be considered inappropriate in a modern work. They may contain words such as pussy (cat) and cock (bird) that don't have the meaning you expect in your country and time period.

    Please take all of these works and their contents as examples of the beliefs and language of their times and not as a personal attack.